The Disrespect
Disney added more strikes against them by irresponsibly handling communications with the High Council of Kikuyu Sages, which led to the messenger of the Chief Seer to feel as if Disney had reduce his respect level to that of an animal. This negligent behavior broadened the exposure and target of the curse to the Jewish Community at large.
1. Stopped Legal Communications
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2. Refused to Respond to Cease & Desist Letter
The Messenger of the Chief Seer wrote a Cease and Desist Letter and sent it directly to the legal team of Disney whom was copied in an email thread with us and our lawyer whom first represented us to Disney. That letter did not receive a response to and the Messenger did not appreciate that fact.
3. Racism: Public Lynching of Kyrie Irving & Kanye West
Timing couldn't have been worse for the Jewish Community to attempt a public lynching of Kyrie Iriving who shown support for Mt. Kenya's Ambassador Prince Michael by liking his Instagram Posts in 2021 (And Catching Heat for it from Rolling Stone Magazine) and Ye formerly known as "Kanye West" during the final promotions before Black Panther 2 Released to theaters. This painted the Jewish community as bullies of Black Americans to the International community, especially Africans on the continent. The Messenger of the Chief Seer was not impressed and decided it was time to teach the Jewish community a lesson as a whole. He concluded their behavior was due to their lack of respect for Black People.
Concerning race relations the Anjiru feel white people need to be made to respect Black People and the Ancient Seers are willing to use their Sacred Wisdom to make it happen. And that is how this matter escalated from a Mt. Zion vs Disney thing into a Mt. Zion vs the Jewish Community thing.