Let’s cut right to the chase! The most important aspect of the curse, above anything superficial is ultimately its intended to force global awareness on the Guardians of Africa’s Sacred Tablets and Scrolls, so they can actually help society overcome the wicked plans of the Global Elite. Sure, the goal could have been accomplished without a curse involved, but proper recognition or respect wasn’t being given to them for their tribal history and secrets being used to create Black Panther and Vibranium in the Marvel Comic Universe, and that is their legitimate modern day claim to fame. Unfortunately, it would cost Disney way too much money if they gave them their proper respect, so they chose to hide the true origin of Black Panther from the public.
In response, the Guardians have authorized the usage of their Sacred Gikuyu wisdom to publicly punish Disney for it. So, yes there will ultimately be a happy ending when the world finally has the opportunity to know about the Kikuyu Tribe of Kenya and receive the ancient resources they have hidden at the Holy Mountain for today’s generation, but unfortunately many people will likely die from the curse before that awareness becomes widespread.
The Anjru Clan of the Kabiru (Modern day ‘Kikuyu’) People, Guardians of the Ark of the Covenant and Sacred Scrolls of Africa are the actual owners of the Bible in truth because they are custodians of the original scrolls of Moses and have a serious legacy of wisdom that spans millenniums. More importantly, they have a prophetic service to offer us in the ‘last days’ and their critical assignment has been diluted by the film franchise we all know as, “Black Panther”. I’m sure you’re wondering how a Hollywood film could possibly interfere with an ancient Biblical bloodline in Africa and their mission to uplift fallen humanity or intervene to help our generation overcome the evil agenda of the New World Order, but let me tell you, that’s exactly what happened and why at least, the Black Community, must have serious conversations about the ‘Curse of Wakanda’.
During the early 1900s the Nazis were looking for ancient secret knowledge and you guessed it, they found it. Some of the secrets they obtained came from Africa, specifically the Anjiru Clan who governed the second tallest mountain in Africa Mount Kenya. This mountain is special because it was created by a meteorite crashing into Africa millions of years ago. The Egyptians dedicated it to Heru, Isis and Osiris and respectfully forbid wars from being fought in that region because it was regarded as the land of the Gods. After the Egyptian era died down and the Kabiru (Hebrew) era began to dominate, the mountain became known as the Mountain of Peace aka Zion / Thayuini / Thaio.
After WWII, the Anjiru Clan Secrets including the mind activation ritual using the coveted ‘Trees of Death, Wisdom & Life’, transferred into the hands of the US Military through operation paperclip. Former CIA Scientist Robert Duncan confirmed that operation paperclip helped the US Government obtain “Mind Scientists” that remained classified. From there the secrets ended up in the hands of Jack Kirby and Stan Lee who served in the US Army. That’s how the African Secrets made their 1966 debut in Marvel Comics. The Anjiru leaders who protected the secrets didn’t find out until 2018 when Black Panther dominated the box office becoming the number one movie on the planet.
Despite the Oscar Award winning script, the 12 Seers who are the current leaders of the council establish by Moses to protect the sacred tablets & scrolls, were not impressed with the fact their fiduciary assignment to protect the holy knowledge was undermined by Marvel Studios / Disney, then globally exploited for billions of dollars without their knowledge, consent or cooperation. In fact, the messenger of the Chief Seer stated according to divine law, anytime a violation of that magnitude occurs “calamities have to befall humanity”. Its a normal spiritual reflex of the Universe (The same things happened in the Bible Stories when the Ark of the Covenant was stolen).
One Year later, on the anniversary of those words, Hurricane Idai formed on the east coast of Africa, killing over 1,500 Africans. Yes, the first major loss of life was in the African community because it was their job to protect the holy wisdom.
Many more deaths occurred since then, but Mt. Kenya’s Ambassador Prince Michael noticed a pattern surrounding the deaths and began posting about it in 2020 receiving nearly a million views on Facebook. The pattern is the dates of the deaths seem to routinely overlap with other dates of significant events associated with the whole narrative of the Mt. Kenya’s grievance. For example, the date their copyright was issued, the date the Black Panther movie was released, The date previous violators of Mt. Kenya died or was born, other dates surrounding things Mt. Kenya Ambassador did and others. These dates seem to somehow be imprinted in the mind of mother nature who routinely chooses to claim victims on those dates.
On December 2, 2023, after Michael B Jordan got into the car accident (Which overlaps with the date Marvel Comics debuted ‘Vibranium’ in the Daredevil comic in 1965), Prince Michael organized an official database of significant dated on this website www.CurseOfWakanda.com so the rest of the world could know what dates to look out for if they want to follow the curse as it seems to progress over the years.